You are Whole and Complete, As You Are!


Yet our culture leads us to believe otherwise in many insidious ways which perpetuates disconnection, self-criticism, and a sense of unworthiness all of which are a form of systemic oppression.

We are living in a time when “counterfeit coins” are being illuminated to us. It seems that now more than ever before they are in our faces in the form of greed, corruption, manipulation, narcissism, aggression, retaliation, exploitation, injustice, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and so on.

13th-century mystical poet and philosopher, Hafez, astutely suggested we, “Learn to recognize counterfeit coins that may buy us a moment of ‘pleasure’, but then drag us for days behind a farting camel.”

Well, isn’t that the painful, modern truth we seem to be living in these days?

So now, as a species, as we begin to fully acknowledge the current destructive socio-cultural territory we find ourselves swimming in — for us to move forward with clarity and discernment, for us to build the capacity to identify “counterfeit coins” - because, more often then not, they are insidious, systemic, and slide under the radar - we need to ground ourselves in our body and experience our own wholeness, as we are, and completely as we are. We can access our own, self-evident truth of who we are in this timeless moment. When we come to know this truth and become rooted in it, counterfeit coins become illuminated, and then we can act with wisdom and insight.

In coming into contact with our own sanity and clarity, we gain access to our inner resources of strength and stability as we organize and mobilize our privileges in order to co-create the more just and beautiful world we know is possible. Because it is possible. Once awareness is on board, there’s no need to be dragged behind farting camels any longer.

This may seem theoretical but just to give an example, self-criticism is a kind of oppression that we inherit from the ills of our modern culture that keeps us small, quiet, obedient, and going along with the program. The only time in which we can notice self-criticism, the only time in which we can acknowledge it and appreciate how it channels our energy in ways that exhaust us rather than uplift us, is in this timeless present moment as we cultivate a gentle, accepting awareness. This is the only time in which we have to learn, grow, and act and there are specific practices and ways of being that give us access to the illuminating properties of awareness.

Join my Ways of the Rising Woman Course and give yourself the illuminating gifts of awareness in your life.


Allowing Awareness {Love} to Do Its Work


Embodied, Empowered, Emergent