

The world needs your gifts and voice now more than ever before. You have the wisdom, strength, and courage within you. Access it in the service of your own evolution and emergence and the more beautiful and just world we all know in our heart is possible.

I listen deeply and hold space for your journey.

I ask reflective questions and walk with you as you find and deepen your connection to your own inner wisdom. I help you expand your perspective, acknowledge and unlearn limiting patterns and beliefs, and I help you reclaim and redefine your own story.

Our work together will include mindfulness and embodiment practices to support you in exploring your inner landscape and to build resilience thereby deepening your wholehearted Presence in your daily life. You’ll learn to dwell in the domain of being in your everyday life within your family, your community, and your workplace. 

I’ll support you in finding your strengths and aligning your path with your core values. 

“I teach transformative practices and ways of being to help you shift into embodying your purpose, courage, and Wholeness.”


View all services below



Individual sessions & Consultations


Find the sanctuary inside yourself. Identify your deepest desires and longings for yourself and the world so you can move toward your own liberation and live the vibrant, connected, and meaning-filled life you were born to live.

This is for you if you have a specific area/s you are wanting focused sessions on which could include trauma-informed decolonization, empowered communication, responsive parenting, self-compassion, ancestral healing, and navigating anxiety and fear as you step into your courage and purpose. This is for women looking for highly personalized guidance and need a focused plan to go deeper into healing on their personal journey as a rising woman.

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  • Includes personalized guidance, a plan, and strategies to move you deeper on your healing journey

  • Journaling prompts and reflective exercises provided

  • Fine-tuned, customized practices for you to put into practice immediately

  • Engaged equity, diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality work can be included

  • Feel greater degrees of clarity, equanimity, and resilience

  • Practice self-acceptance, self-compassion, and radical self-care

  • Learn to honor your own experience and develop fierce and loving boundaries

  • Equine-assisted modalities can be included in 1:1 coaching



6 Months Support
$1075 1hr session bi-weekly
$1965 1hr session weekly 

9 Months Support
$1525  1hr session bi-weekly
$2875  1hr session weekly 

Individual Sessions
$120 60 minutes
$180 90 minutes

Package of 3

$330 three 60 minute sessions
$495 three 90 minute sessions

Package of 6
$595  six 60 minute sessions
$850  six 90 minute sessions



Email me or schedule a free 15-minute call to see if these sessions are a right fit for you.


Organize a Retreat, Workshop, or Training


my approach

  • Hands-on, immersive curriculum immediately applicable to your complex life

  • Mindfulness Practices & Mindful Communication

  • Mitigating Stress & Anxiety

  • Embodiment & Honoring Our Humanity

  • Feminism, Women’s Empowerment, & Anti-Oppression

  • Decolonization & Ancestral Healing

  • Equine-Assisted Modalities can be a focus or a support

  • Book a Free Inquiry Call Here


For people who wish to bring this healing work to their community or team, I would be happy to speak with you about how to structure a training specific to your group and interests. Please contact me to arrange a phone conversation. 

The intention of my approach is to guide you back home to your own tattered heart, to provide support and training on how to tend to your deepest needs, and to honor our humanity. I am passionate about helping women build resilience and establish healthy boundaries. The practices I teach are trauma and culturally sensitive. This work illuminates and amplifies the wisdom already inside us. It is practical, palpable, and profoundly healing.


The Ways of the Rising Woman Community

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An online community and group teaching program for wellbeing reclamation, embodiment, and for building resilience for the road ahead.

Within the work of the Rising Woman, we elevate one another in awakened, discerning, and embodied living in the service of the mystery and beauty of a life lived from wonder and connection, rather than fear and overwhelm. We share our challenges as well as our uplifts and joys as we rise rooted as agents of meaningful change in our own lives and in the world.


the approach:

Integrate practical, evidence-based practices and ways of being in your life for self-healing, for reclaiming a sense of stability, groundedness, and resilience in the midst of these challenging, and at times, heartbreaking times.

Whether you already practice mindfulness, ancestral healing, and have begun your own journey of decolonization, or are just dipping your toe in the waters of holistic lifestyle and mind-body medicine, this community provides a safe container to explore and progress on your path to self-acceptance, self-discovery, empowered action, and living the vibrant life you were born to live. 

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Mentoring Program


Are you in a leadership or advisory role? Are you interested in ongoing support and mentorship?

Would you like to take Mindful Living & Mindful Communication practice into the the spaces you inhabit in order to effectively support others? If you are familiar with my work, you are probably aware of the culturally sensitive and trauma-informed approaches that I weave into my Mindfulness-Based Interventions and Mindful Communication programs.  It is a framework and orientation that I view as absolutely essential to any real enduring personal, social, and cultural change.

I made a huge discovery about how I react when confronted with uncomfortable situations. I discovered that I run away. This was a breakthrough for me, and it was monumental towards my journey of self-acceptance and self-discovery. By having this awareness, I now have the power to change how I react to and better handle challenges in my life.
— Course Participant