“What is called for now?” The 3 D’s of Justice.

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What is called for now? Justice.

Justice is absolutely called for now.

It has been called for, for generations, on every level.

The thing is though, there’s a cost, however every bit worth it because, without justice, we live as prisoners of our own making, and People of Color, women, children, and the planet continue to be oppressed, marginalized, and exploited.

The old, known ways of doing things are ending and establishing new ways of being takes devotion, discipline, and discernment (the 3 D’s of Justice).

Justice requires us to act (devotion) and in our action we become advocates. We become advocates for sanity (discernment) in our own minds and this has significant implications for the collective because it changes the way we see the world. In our advocacy, we build the neuroplasticity of sanity that manifests through the discipline of presence, practice, and perspective that bring greater degrees of clarity and courage in our choices and actions.

We work to acknowledge and then let go of conditionings, free our minds and hearts and rise as agents for meaningful change. And when we come together in community to do this work we amplify the healing and the ripple effects are palpable.

You can practice justice, advocacy, and sanity with me in my upcoming series through NCEFT, SJSU, or through individual coaching. Reach out if you’d like to learn more!


Experiencing our own Wholeness