Experiencing our own Wholeness


Melissa, Megan, & I co-developed the Certificate in Applied Mindfulness at SJSU, a program for those who want to bring the illuminating powers of awareness into their life and work and it’s a gift of our lives to be able to share the gifts of these profound practices with the world in the ways we do.

Mindfulness helps us let go of conditionings and habits we’ve taken on and to experience our own Wholeness just as we are through learning to inhabit our body, reclaim the wisdom within, and as we come into community. We are invited to tend to our tattered hearts and develop curiosity about our discomforts, to tend to them like a loving mother would while also making space for the kind of transformative shifts in consciousness that can occur when we really look at how we’ve internalized systemic dynamics that oppress, separate, and subjugate ~ structures that have done great harm to People of Color, to ourselves, and to the Earth. One path of this journey for me has been acknowledging how deep these cultural narratives get embedded and how they play out in my own life in an infinite number of ways including in how, as a white cis-gendered woman, I benefit profusely from whiteness at the expense of others.

Gaining clarity on these dynamics is of essence in our process in co-creating the world we long for which is why mindfulness and learning from Women of Color @dragonflycenter, for example, is a way to open our hearts, release limiting beliefs, expand our perspective, and deepen our attention in embodied and emboldened ways.

I hope you join us at this table again and again in our efforts to bring healing and open-heartedness to our tattered hearts as we co-create the more Just, Equal, and Loving World we all know in our hearts is possible.


“What is called for now?” The 3 D’s of Justice.


Talkin’ ‘bout a Revolution